All of our puppies are born in our bedroom and lovingly raised in our home with daily interactions, various household noises, and lots of socialization with our three children and other dogs. We follow ENS guidelines and use the Empowered Breeder curriculum to provide our puppies with the strongest foundation to become well adjusted and even-tempered companions, therapy, or service dogs. At a very early age we start crate conditioning and ensuring that the puppies associate potty breaks with the smell of grass. All puppies will come microchipped, dewormed, age appropriate shots, vet check, a health guarantee, a goodie bag, and lifetime support from us.

Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) has been used for decades and benefits puppy development in several ways:
Improved cardiovascular performance (heart rate)
Stronger heart beats
Stronger adrenal glands
More tolerance to stress
Greater resistance to disease

The Empowered Breeder curriculum focuses on laying a strong foundation of true respect and trust between puppies and humans, other dogs and the world around them, while not using treats or any form of manipulation to lure puppies into desired exposure activities or behaviors.
By creating steadfast trust and building confidence so early on, the BaB program facilitates a lifetime of high approach, confidence, touch tolerance, low sight, and sound sensitivity, as well as quick startle recovery regardless of the environment in which the puppy goes home.

All of our puppies come with a two year health guarantee that covers all life threatening or seriously debilitating genetic diseases. (*Please see our Health Guarantee & Contract for details)

Your goodie bag will include:
Sample bag of puppy food
30 days of free pet insurance
Puppy toy
Snuggle blanket with mom/littermate scent
Training treats
Vet check paperwork, vaccine and deworming records
Detailed grooming guide
Microchip registration info
Birth certificate
Various surprise goodies
Our Advanced Curriculum makes for Special Puppies!
The first 12 weeks of a puppy's life are crucial for their development and many of their behavioral traits. That's why we work so hard to gently expose our puppies to many new items, sounds, textures, situations, and environments while they are in our care. The special puppy curriculum we follow fosters brave puppies with an easy-going attitude that have the ability to handle stressful situations.

It's All In The Details
We only have a few dogs living with us and they are all part of the family. They are inside the home with us, play with our kids in the backyard, go for walks, and join us to run errands whenever possible. Because above being parent dogs, they are family members, and that's how we treat them.
Our health standard goes beyond your simple genetic test. Besides utilizing multiple genetic testing companies to cover all possible detectable diseases, we also have our parent dogs' hips, elbows, heart, and thyroid evaluated by the Orthopedic Foundation of Animals (OFA).
The moment our puppies start their journey on this earth, they are welcomed with love, care, and attention. Our puppies are born in our bedroom, where we watch them take their first breath and care for them and mom for the first 2-3 weeks. Once old enough, they move into their toddler space in my office, which is open to the foyer, dining room, and living room. Our puppies are immersed in family life even before they become a part of your family!
We follow a combination of various puppy curricula to give our puppies the best foundation possible to become easygoing and well-rounded family members. Nothing is more important than preparing our puppies for the life that's ahead of them.
Instead of utilizing a one-time temperament test (which usually lasts less than 15 minutes) to evaluate our puppies' personalities, we keep notes and score their temperament traits over several days while engaging them in various activities and while observing them during outside play. We feel that by considering the puppies' actions in different situations and on multiple occasions, it gives us a more accurate gauge of their personality. Of course, we share those results with our waitlist families and guide them during the selection process.
We are a very small in-home program and we spend every free minute caring for, loving on, and guiding our puppies, which leads to countless photo and video opportunities. That's why we share puppy updates 4-7 times per week with our waitlist families. That means you see hundreds of pictures and videos before your puppy comes home.